What Did You Learn?

Hey there! Have you ever considered the thrill of learning something completely new? It’s not just about adding a skill to your resume; it’s about embarking on a journey that can transform your perspective and enrich your life. Why Learn Something New? Boosts Your Brain Health: Learning keeps your mind engaged and healthy. It encourages … Continue reading What Did You Learn?

Unlocking Your Potential: Embracing the Power of Self-Belief

Today, I encourage you to make a conscious choice to believe in yourself. Recognize the incredible potential that lies within you, waiting to be unleashed. Embrace the challenges that come your way as opportunities for growth and transformation.

Your Sweetness Isn’t Weakness…

I would like to introduce to some, and reintroduce to others, the concept of sugar scrubbing. Before we start chatting about the cute stuff, let's get some admin out of the way... I am NOT a dermatologist, nor am I am skincare professional. You should ALWAYS consult a trained, certified medical professional before you begin … Continue reading Your Sweetness Isn’t Weakness…

Chapter 2: The Housing Market

LISTEN!!! I know this is supposed to be weekly and I missed last weekend. Resurrection weekend is rough for me. I still grieve the loss of my mother and that was her favorite holiday. Forgive me. Let us move forward. Again... WOW. I thought the housing market boom in 2020 was a fluke because of … Continue reading Chapter 2: The Housing Market